Sunday, August 20, 2006

My today's workout

Weekend is for sports! I so wanted to play squash but could not find anybody... and I was bored to do push-ups (not the bras!) or sit-ups at home. I thought about some running in a nearby park but then I noticed a friend's bike. YEA! Let's go on a bike trip!

I set my journey by the riverside to a nearby village. I thought it will be nice - you know, the river is nice, the name of the village (Krallupy) also sounds ok, and I had a cycloroute all the way.. shit I was wrong!

The cycloroute began okay in the park, then it was just worse and worse. Imagine, one section was looking like this - a narrow path for one bike right next to the river - but the river was 3 metres below! One fault and you are done. This looked like a Czech version of the Dead Road from La Paz to Coroico which I did last year. The Bolivian one was right next to abyss of 100-200 metres :) But still I did not expect this today!

I arrived to the dreamy village and already had enough of biking for a week. I never thought that only 25 kilometres from Prague you can find such an ugly village!!! La Paz in Bolivia seemed hundread times nicer to me. I took a different route on a way back - at least I tried to, I had no map so I relied on indigenous peoples' advice. The return was neverending but so much nicer, a normal road with almost no cars, going through small villages and fields with sunflowers. Totally PEACE, brother.

When I arrived to Prague, I was ready to be buried alive. I checked my cyclocomputer for the result of today's trip - 70.05km!!! For the rest of the evening I am eating bananas and watching U TURN movie. And I guess I am going to buy Lance Armstrong's book because now I know again how it feels to be tough on bike!

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