Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Yesterday I finally quit my job so I have time to finish my thesis. Multitasking ain't working, you know? When you do 2 things at once, you don't do either of them perfectly.

So select the thing you really have to do now and focus on it until it's done. Just like me.

Nice deed was that I got three free tickets for evening concert of teenage german rock band Tokio Hotel. Nothing special, just the tickets were for VIP skybox lounge in huge Sazka Arena stadium. What can I say - room comfortable sofas, bar with chilled Stella Artois beer (on my boss, of course!) frequently replenished by a hostess, LCD screens, private bathroom. .

It was like a flat which I could live in! ;D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vidis, odides z prace a este ti daju volne listky na koncert, to je trochu moc cool, nemyslis? :) malokde budes mat tolko volnych listkov, vsak uvidis :) to ja som dostal stravenky...(iv)