Yes, they exist.
When I come to the office of the PR agency in the morning, switch on the PC, my creativity is rapidly starting to fade away. When I run ANY program from Microsoft Office - word, powerpoint and of course, excel, the creativity which has been left in me from my yesterday's dreams is gone for good.
I wonder if you also perceive the same phenomenon? Is it the sterility of office environment, sitting on a chair in front of a computer with all this ergonomics, typing instead od drawing which is causing this? If you work in banking, there is absolutely no problem, but in marketing and PR, it is really a huge one.
The solution I would propose is to have one kind of room in EVERY company - a living room! One with nice comfy couch, table where you can put your legs, magazines, TV, stereo, table football.... Anything that helps employees to reduce the focus from time to time, to see new horizons, to think outside the box.
my take miesto pre kreativne rozjimanie v praci mame,hovori sa tam tomu "plocha", velka hala s fotelkami, gaucmi, obrovske okna. Odhadol si to dobre, taketo "living rooms" su teraz modernym trendom v interieroch kancelarii po celom vyspelom svete. Zazijes aj ty, don't worry :) (in)
hmm, vezmem ti aj tie posledne nadeje, ze v TOM nie si sam.... aj "u nas" mame paradnu obyvacku s farebnymi kresielkami, exotickymi obrazmi a super sialenou plastikou cloveka v zivotnej velkosti..... to bude asi tym, ze majitel je umelec/maliar... m so sorry.... 8-)
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