Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Head spinning

Just a short post before I finish the work on tomorrow's presentation and finally go to bed.

Today, my Marketing des activites culturels class took place in Lyon, at Ecole de Danse which was founded in 1977. There was some talking in the beginning, I understood that culture needs to be subsidized heavily so the prices are kept low hence it stays accesible to a broader public. That makes sense - for a moment I was thinking if all museums should be made free because the more people visit them the more cultivated they become. Wouldn't it be good for our society?

Then we saw a rehearsal of dance performance. It was a modern dance (scenic?). One guy was actually singing with a deep voice and there were 3+3 dancers performing, nothing else. I think it is one of the most difficult arts to understand - what people want to express by their movements. But somehow it was really soothing and what they did felt to be so synchronized and aesthetic. The one thing they did was without any music or singing, the melody was just made from the sounds of their steps on the platform. I cannot understand how can the guys remember they choreography so well.

So I am going to work some more right now. Next time I would like to write about the my last weekend which was really great, but I need to find a little bit more time to do it.


Vierka said...

vas-y merde! wanna hear bout your weekend!, mine was shit:-(

Empty said...

shit, i was signed in as vierka:-)

miskousko said...

dilinko emptynko :) but the comments can be deleted

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.